Spa Body Treatments

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body spa

Pamper yourself with a relaxing spa body treatment at Renew Day Spa in Garner. Choose a salt glow, seaweed body wrap or back facial.

Salt Glow Treatment

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Great treatment to rub away the winter blues or summer dryness. A body exfoliation that starts with dry brushing and then exfoliated by sea salts. Salts vary by season from Pumpkin Tangerine, Milk & Honey, to Chocolate. 25 mins $45

Seaweed Body Wrap

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As a perfectly balanced nutrient, seaweed offers a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish the skin and increase the circulation to the tissues reducing water retention and the appearance of cellulite. This treatment includes dry brushing, seaweed masque for the body, and a warm body wrap. 45 mins $70

Great with a salt scrub ($15) and or a hydrating seaweed masque ($20)

Bum Facial

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Acne, rough texture, cellulite on your bum? We have a cure to make your bum look spectacular. A facial for the hiney to make it shiny. 25 mins $45

Lady Garden Facial

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This is for your beautiful rose to help with pigmented, dry, rough skin, and ingrowns. Everything is PH balanced to help your rose blossom. 25 mins $50 (Best if done 48 hours after a wax/not recommended the same day)

Rejuvenating Spa Facial or Back Facial

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Enjoy this treatment with gentle, natural, and organic ingredients while you experience a relaxing massage as we cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin with several layers. This facial is for pure relaxation, does not include a consult, and not a part of the Results Driven Renewal Facial program. 45mins $75

Everything you need for your face you can do for your back with stones. 45 mins $75

Body and Soul Treatment

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This transformative treatment uses a combination of reiki, essential oils, archangelic light,
reflexology, and/or crystals to relax your mind, aid in healing the body, and energize your soul!
45mins $60, 1hour $75, 2 hour initial transformational session $150
